Research Blog

Collection of How Can the Heart Be Shielded from EMF Radiation? in a gallery layout
How Can the Heart Be Shielded from EMF Radiation?

As exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation from electronic gadgets and wireless technologies increases are concerns about its potential influence...

Collection of How Can Kirlian photography (Electro-Photography) Tell us about the Health of an Individual? in a gallery layout
How Can Kirlian photography (Electro-Photography) Tell us about the Health of an Individual?

Kirlian photography, also known as electro-photography, is a technique that captures the energy fields surrounding objects, often referred to as...

Collection of What are the Advantages of Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) for Curing Pain? in a gallery layout
What are the Advantages of Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) for Curing Pain?

In the field of pain management, non-invasive therapies have become increasingly popular as patients and practitioners seek alternatives to pharmaceutical...

Collection of Are We All Being Microwaved? in a gallery layout
Are We All Being Microwaved?

The proliferation of wireless technologies in our daily lives has raised questions about the safety of electromagnetic radiation emitted by...

How does EMF radiation impact relationships and intimacy?

In today's technologically advanced world, we are constantly surrounded by electromagnetic fields (EMFs). From our smartphones and laptops to Wi-Fi...

How does the human body exert Scalar Waves? What are natural sources of Scalar Waves?

The human body is a complex system of electrical and magnetic fields. These fields are constantly interacting with each other,...

How Does the Human Brain Produce Scalar Waves?

The human brain is an intricate and fascinating organ, responsible for generating electrical signals that drive thought, emotion, memory, and...

The Harmful Impacts of EMF Radiation

While the benefits of modern technology continue to be advanced, the health risks that come from EMF radiation need to...

Collection of What Are The Top Ten Symptoms Of EHS (Electromagnetic Sensitivity) in a gallery layout
What Are The Top Ten Symptoms Of EHS (Electromagnetic Sensitivity)

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), also known as electromagnetic sensitivity or electrical sensitivity, is a controversial condition characterized by various symptoms attributed...